Planning Workshop: The Crucial Role of Ex Situ Strategies and Translocations to Save Darwin's Frogs
Since 2017, the Binational Conservation Strategy for Darwin's Frogs (ECRD) has guided conservation efforts focused on these species, based on multidisciplinary, multisectoral and international collaboration, and scientific evidence.

Along these lines, the Workshop on ex situ conservation and translocations of Darwin's frogs , where 32 leading specialists from Chile, Argentina, Germany and the United Kingdom met to strengthen the ECRD and the RECOGE Plan for Darwin's Frogs , currently being developed using the abbreviated process.

The workshop was co-organized by the University of Concepcion , NGO Ranita de Darwin , Leipzig Zoo , and Parquemet National Zoo , and facilitated by Claudia Faure , member of NGO Ranita de Darwin and ECRD facilitator, and Andrés Valenzuela Sánchez , president of NGO Ranita de Darwin and of the ECRD governance committee, and researcher at ZSL (Zoological Society of London).

This workshop was held with the purpose of defining what role ex situ conservation and translocations will have in the conservation of Darwin's frogs , emphasizing the importance of ex situ conservation and translocations being implemented within a holistic program that includes in situ actions (in natural habitat) and threat control .

In addition, the objective was to advance the development of guidelines and protocols that effectively guide and implement ex situ conservation and translocations of Darwin's frogs.
The workshop's objectives included:
Identify and prioritise key actions to mitigate the main threats and strengthen the sustainability of wild populations through ex situ conservation and translocations, within the framework of the work of the ECRD and the future RECOGE Plan for Darwin's Frogs.
Bring together relevant actors from Chile, Argentina and other countries to consolidate alliances and promote collaborative and inclusive conservation.
Begin the development of protocols and guidelines for the effective implementation of ex situ conservation actions and translocations for Darwin's frogs.

During the workshop, different people spoke on topics such as:
Claudia Faure (ECRD Facilitator, NGO Ranita de Darwin): Role of ex situ actions and translocations in amphibian conservation.
Marcela Alcaide (Wildlife Department, Agricultural and Livestock Service of Chile): Legislation in Chile relevant to ex situ conservation and translocation of amphibians.
Prof. Andrew A. Cunningham (ZSL (Zoological Society of London)): Importance of infectious diseases and biosecurity in the management of ex situ conservation programmes and amphibian translocations.
Osvaldo Cabeza and Guillermo Cubillos (Parquemet National Zoo): Ex situ conservation in amphibians and its role in environmental education.
Dr. Andrés Valenzuela (NGO Ranita de Darwin and ZSL): The role of ex situ conservation in mitigating the impacts of chytridiomycosis on Darwin's Frogs.
Dr. Juan Carlos Ortiz (University of Concepción): Breeding and management in captivity of Darwin's Frog at the Reproduction Station of the University of Concepción.
In addition, Andrés Valenzuela and Claudia Faure presented a summary of the status of the ECRD and the RECOGE Plan for Darwin's Frogs.

These presentations provided an overview of the role and application of ex situ conservation and translocations in amphibians, and of the actions carried out on Darwin's Frogs. This information was essential for the workshop's working sessions.
During the working sessions, the following were carried out:
Structured discussions to define the role of ex situ conservation in the protection of Darwin's Frogs, as well as to determine how to plan and evaluate the success of these initiatives.
Planning key documents, including the assignment of deadlines and those responsible for the implementation of actions.

Among the attendees at the workshop were representatives from Zoo Leipzig of Germany, the National Parks Administration of Argentina , ZSL (Zoological Society of London) of the United Kingdom, the NGO Ranita de Darwin, Andrés Bello University , the Tantauco Park Foundation , the National Zoo of the Metropolitan Park of Santiago , the Nahuelbuta Natural Foundation , CONAF (National Forestry Corporation of Chile) , MMA (Ministry of the Environment of Chile) , Arauco , SEA (Environmental Assessment Service) , the University of Concepción , SAG (Agricultural and Livestock Service of Chile) and the Rewilding Foundation .

This workshop marked a significant step in efforts to protect Darwin's frogs, integrating international and multidisciplinary perspectives to ensure their long-term conservation.

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